OHI-S Bends and Loops: Step-by-step Video Guides with Dr. Kleber Meireles
7 lessons + 1 free (7 h 46 min)
Elevate the quality of orthodontic treatment using bends and loops with a leading specialist in the field of biomechanical orthodontics — Dr. Kleber Meireles!
In a convenient video demonstration format, you will learn how to bend and form loops. Watch and repeat after the lecturer!
Within the course you will learn:
– Biomechanics, finishing and detailing protocols
– Fabrication protocols of first and second order bends
– Fabrication protocols of vertical loops, box loops, and the “L” shape loop
– Application of torque and orthodontic wire activation.
Bends and loops represent an essential phase in orthodontic treatment as they reduce treatment time and add distinction to your work as an orthodontist, especially in the finishing stage of the treatment. So, prepare your orthodontic pliers, wires, and join in!
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