OMSKU V- Anesthesia PDF + Video Flash
OMSKU V- Anesthesia:
- Recognize Oral Anticoagulant medications and their indications, in particular the pharmacology of Pradaxa and the associated risks with its use.
- Demonstrate the basics of respiratory monitoring.
- Identify how some of the cardiovascular medications should be managed pre-op, intra-op, and post-op and their interactions and possible complications with anesthesia.
- Compare and contrast ketamine and propofol and the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of each.
- Define the pharmacokinetics and pharmacology of fospropofol.
- Describe the cardiac valvular disorders and understand the anesthetic considerations for managing patients with cardiac valvular disorders on an outpatient basis.
- Compare and contrast neuromuscular blocking agents.
- Interpret the physiological changes associated with pregnancy and their impact on surgical and anesthetic management, and consequently recognize potential drug interactions for the lactating patient.
- Categorize the stages of spinal cord injury and the guidelines of various levels of anesthesia for specific spinal cord lesions.
- Prepare for the perioperative management of diabetic patients.
- Assess and manage the patient with acute coronary syndrome.
- Review the types and uses of laryngeal mask airways and corresponding techniques.
- Detect the advantages and disadvantages of Dexmedetomidine, particularly in the Oral and Maxillofacial outpatient setting.
- Enhance the depth monitoring of anesthesia in patients.
- Review the pharmacology of the autonomic nervous system.
- Realize the potential of IV acetaminophen as an effective alternative medication to use in the peri-operative period for acute pain management as a component of multi-modal analgesia.
- Evaluate hypertension and its affect on oral and maxillofacial surgery outpatient anesthesia.
- Review common psychiatric disorders and their interaction with medications frequently used in OMS procedures.
- Recognize post operative cognitive dysfunction as it relates to the elderly OMS patient.
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Section: 1 Presentation
Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System
Section: 1 Presentation
Considerations of Cardiac Valvular Disorders
Section: 1 Presentation
Cardiovascular Drugs
Section: 1 SCORM
Chronic Spinal Chord Injury
Section: 1 Presentation
Depth of Monitoring
Section: 1 Presentation
Section: 1 Presentation
Diabetic Patient
Section: 1 Presentation
Difficult Airway
Section: 1 Presentation
Section: 1 Presentation
Section: 1 Presentation
IV Acetaminophen
Section: 1 SCORM
LMA Update
Section: 1 Presentation
Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
Section: 1 Presentation
Anesthesia Management of the OSA Patient
Section: 1 Presentation
Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
Section: 1 Presentation
Pradaxa: A New Wave in Oral Anticoagulation Therapy
Section: 1 Presentation
Propofol-Ketamine Anesthetics: Infusions and Boluses
Section: 1 Presentation
Management of the Patient with Psychiatric Disorders
Section: 1 Presentation
Management of the Recently Pregnant Patient
Section: 1 SCORM
Respiratory Monitoring: Physiologic and Technical Considerations
Section: 1 Presentation
Anesthesia Feedback, Assessment and Certificate
Section: 1 Assessment 1 Certificate 1 Survey
Product details
- Series: OMS Knowledge Update (OMSKU V )
- Paperback:
- Publisher: 2017
- Language: English
- Type : PDF
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