Osteocom Everything about Soft Tissue Surgery – Giovanni Zucchelli
full course of Zucchelli Channel International including 2024 updates
Osteocom welcomes you to “Zucchelli Channel“, the course that opens the doors to
the clinical activity of Professor Giovanni Zucchelli, one of the most experienced,
innovative and authoritative periodontologists in the world.
This learning experience consists of a corpus of on-demand video lectures that is
really unique in the world of dental education, including more than 20 theoretical
video lectures plus over 60 ReLIVE Surgeries.
You’ll be able to access the videos at any time to prepare your own clinical cases
taking Prof. Zucchelli’s performances as a model.
“Zucchelli Channel” embraces the Continuing Education philosophy: every year new
clinical videos will be uploaded, carefully selected among the most significant cases
handled by Prof. Zucchelli.
The continuous updating of the channel ensures that the subscribers can keep
updated on the state of the art of soft tissue management techniques on teeth
and implants.
New diagnostic and surgical approaches, the most modern aetiological protocols
and an update on the best practices for the management of periodontal and periimplant defects.
Enter the “Zucchelli Channel” world and take your mucogingival and
regenerative surgery on teeth and implants to an elite level!
The course consists of 10 thematic modules:
• Periodontal surgery (6 lectures)
• Root coverage procedures for the treatment of single gingival recession (7
• Root coverage procedures for the treatment of multiple gingival recessions (11
• Bilaminar techniques for gingival recessions (3 lectures)
• Periodontal regenerative procedures (8 lectures)
• Soft tissue surgery in implant therapy (8 lectures)
• Management of post-extractive and soft tissue dehiscence around implants (10
• Soft tissue augmentation procedures before and after implant installation (7
• Treatment of gingival recessions around implants (5 lectures)
• 2024 Renewal Video Lectures (10 lectures)
In particular, the following macro-topics will be discussed in detail:
• Mucogingival aesthetic surgery and the patient’s aesthetic expectations
• Resective bone surgery (biological width and clinical crown lengthening)
• The relationship between restorative therapy and periodontology
• Regenerative surgery and the various biological processes that govern the choice
of whether or not to extract the tooth
• Conservative techniques and protocols in the aesthetic area
• Soft tissue management around teeth and implant
• Coronally Advanced Flap Technique
• V-CAF technique
• Tunnel Technique
• Wall Technique
• The simultaneous soft and hard tissue regeneration associated with implant
• How to deal with severe periodontal problems
• How to reach highly aesthetic outcomes by preserving papillae and soft tissues
Module Description:
The first stage of this learning experience focuses on the theoretical aspects
characterizing the rationale behind periodontal surgery.
Participants will receive comprehensive and up-to-date training on the latest
developments in the surgical management of simple and complex cases with
standard and replicable protocols.
The module consists of 5 theoretical video lectures during which various clinical
cases are presented and a final ReLIVE Surgery will be shown and discussed in a
step-by-step way to put into practice the previously presented theoretical concepts.
Specific attention is paid to periodontal anatomy and diagnosis, palatal connective
graft harvesting and placement techniques, and the management of coronal
displaced flaps.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Diagnosis and prognosis of the gingival recession treatment
• Video Lecture 2 – Coronally advanced flap with vertical releasing incisions (trapezoidal flap)
• Video Lecture 3 – Connective tissue graft harvesting techniques
• Video Lecture 4 – Coronally advanced flap for multiple gingival recessions
• Video Lecture 5 – Connective tissue graft “wall” technique in the treatment of gingival
recession associated with vertical bony defects
• Video Lecture 6 – Esthetic treatment of altered passive eruption
Module Description:
In this second module, Prof. Zucchelli deals with the techniques and protocols that
every periodontist should fully master to manage the treatment of single gingival
recession with competence and efficiency.
From the protocol for coronal flap repositioning to the techniques for the
harvesting, processing and positioning of palatal connective grafts, passing
through the analysis of the best practices for clinical crown lengthening and
augmentation, to the use of matrices for root coverage.
The module consists of 6 video lectures, including 6 ReLIVE Surgeries in which the
participant will be guided step by step in the process of acquisition of practical and
theoretical skills that will assist him in the continuation of his daily clinical activity.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Crown lengthening procedure on fractured premolar
• Video Lecture 2 – Gingival recession treatment on lower central incisor
• Video Lecture 3 – Laterally moved flap for single gingival recession coverage on lower central
• Video Lecture 4 – CAF + CTG on single recession in the upper jaw: how to deal with the
complete absence of apical KT and vestibular depth
• Video Lecture 5 – Surgical resolution of single gingival recession on lower incisor: focus on
flap extension management considerations in presence of frenulum, absence of kt and thin
• Video Lecture 6 – Coronally advanced flap and connective graft for gingival recession
resolution in zone 26
• Video Lecture 7 – Treatment of a palatal recession
Module Description:
After having comprehensively discussed single gingival recessions, in this training
module Prof. Zucchelli’s main focus is on the management of multiple recessions.
The techniques examined in the previous module such as coronal flap displacement
and the application of grafts and matrices represent the basis for approaching the
clinical cases presented here.
Thanks to the ReLIVE Surgeries, commented punctually by Prof. Zucchelli,
participants will observe the protocols for performing distal releases and the
innovative ‘Connective Wall Technique’.
The final clinical cases will be exemplary: risk factors are discussed, with a special
focus on their prevention and intra-operative management.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Coronally advanced flap with connective tissue graft for multiple recession
treatment and interdental papilla improvement
• Video Lecture 2 – Coronally advanced flap with connective tissue graft for multiple recession
treatment of the lower incisors
• Video Lecture 3 – Multiple bilaminar technique with vertical incision in the upper jaw with
recession coverage by alternative matrix graft
• Video Lecture 4 – Treatment of multiple gingival recession with combined tissue graft
• Video Lecture 5 – Multiple recession treatment in the esthetic area with coronally advanced
flap and connective tissue graft
• Video Lecture 6 – Anterior conservative surgery in the upper jaw with connective tissue graft
• Video Lecture 7 – Multiple recession treatment with mixed tissue graft: CTG on 23 and
collagen matrix on 24
• Video Lecture 8 – Vertical Advanced Flap (VAF) with simultaneous CTG on 31 and 41
• Video Lecture 9 – Surgical resolution of multiple gingival recessions: the False Gingival
Recession Technique
• Video Lecture 10 – Coronally advanced flap and connective graft for the treatment of two
gingival recessions in zone 33-34
• Video Lecture 11 – False recession to perform a flap to treat multiple recessions
Module Description:
The bilaminar technique is increasingly used to manage recessions due to its
effectiveness and predictability, without considering the biological advantages that
allow better tissue healing.
In this module, Prof. Zucchelli illustrates the protocols behind the bilaminar grafting
technique in mucogingival surgery.
The differences between the use of single and multiple bilaminar flaps is discussed
and the rationale behind the selection of one or the other flap is explained.
Through the viewing of ReLIVE Surgeries, participants will experience surgical
procedures for covering severely deep gingival recessions and managing very
exposed root elements.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Bilaminar technique with single incision in the lower jaw
• Video Lecture 2 – Multiple bilaminar technique with single vertical releasing incision in the
upper jaw
• Video Lecture 3 – Bilaminar technique on single incisor in the lower jaw
Module Description:
This module, fully focused on periodontal regenerative procedures, comprises
three theory lectures preparatory to the optimal fruition of the following ReLIVE
Prof. Zucchelli presents the rationale behind the decision whether to extract or
regenerate the dental element according to the different entities of the periodontal
Diagnostic protocols, various types of vertical bone defects and techniques such as
the Wall Technique are examined in detail in the initial theoretical part of the course
and then transferred into practice with the ReLIVE Surgeries.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Soft tissue management in periodontal regeneration
• Video Lecture 2 – Diagnosis and prognosis of vertical bony defects
• Video Lecture 3 – A novel approach to minimizing gingival recession in periodontal
regeneration: the importance of non-surgical therapy
• Video Lecture 4 – A novel approach to minimizing gingival recession in periodontal
regeneration: surgical therapy
• Video Lecture 5 – Multiple gingival recession surgical treatment and combined tissue
regeneration with amelogenin gel matrix and alternative dermal tissue xenograft
• Video Lecture 6 – Central incisor coronally advanced flap and contextual connective tissue
graft on the lingual side
• Video Lecture 7 – Wall Technique with single flap approach for periodontal regeneration on
lower incisors
• Video Lecture 8 – Regenerative surgery on a vertical defect on tooth 23
Module Description:
In this module, Prof. Zucchelli gives participants a comprehensive overview of the
most important aspects of peri-implant soft tissue treatment and prevention.
The similarities and differences between recessions around teeth and those around
implants are thoroughly explained, and complex treatment protocols such as postimplant vestibuloplasty are reviewed.
In addition, participants will discover the risk factors of the regenerative therapy in
the aesthetic area and how to address and prevent them.
Complete surgery with implant placement using a computer-guided approach is also
shown, and the strategies for achieving aesthetically pleasing results are analyzed.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Soft tissue management around implants
• Video Lecture 2 – Factors associated with mucosal recession around osteointegrated
• Video Lecture 3 – Immediate implant placement with simultaneous connective tissue graft
• Video Lecture 4 – Coronally advanced flap with connective tissue graft on implants
• Video Lecture 5 – Guided implant placement with connective tissue graft
• Video Lecture 6 – Implant placement with contextual coronally advanced flap
• Video Lecture 7 – Implant placement on element 21 and contextual hard and soft tissue
• Video Lecture 8 – Immediate loaded guided implants with bone reconstruction and CTG
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Soft tissue dehiscence coverage around implant-supported crowns: key
• Video Lecture 2 – Surgical technique: soft tissue dehiscence around single implant-supported
• Video Lecture 3 – Soft tissue management before and after single implant placement: buccal
dehiscence prevention
• Video Lecture 4 – Post-extractive implant placement and immediate loading in aesthetic area
with contextual CTG
• Video Lecture 5 – Peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence/deficiencies in the aesthetic zone
• Video Lecture 6 – Multidisciplinary surgical-prosthetic approach to implant displacement
and contextual esthetic crown lengthening of the adjacent elements
• Video Lecture 7 – Guided post-extractive implant with immediate loading on element 11
• Video Lecture 8 – Guided post-extractive implant on lateral incisor 22
• Video Lecture 9 – Post-extraction guided implant surgery in zone 11 with CTG graft
• Video Lecture 10 – Post-extractive guided implant in zone 11 with bone reconstruction and
soft tissue augmentation
Module Description:
This module offers the latest guidelines on soft tissue augmentation procedures
around osteointegrated implants.
Among the covered topics there are keratinised tissue augmentation, the
performance of mucogingival surgery for implant coverage, and the use of the
connective platform technique to fill edentulous sites.
During the7 ReLIVE Surgeries that compose the module, participants will acquire the
knowledge and confidence necessary to successfully perform these complex
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Lingual to buccal and a pical to coronal soft tissue improvement of
edentulous area with contextual CAF
• Video Lecture 2 – Esthetics on natural teeth and implants: thickness VS attachment
• Video Lecture 3 – Bucco-lingual soft tissue improvement under implant-supported bridge in
the esthetic area
• Video Lecture 4 – The connective tissue platform technique: tridimensional soft tissue
augmentation of edentulous space on maxillary central incisor
• Video Lecture 5 – Soft tissue augmentation in zone 21
• Video Lecture 6 – Guided implant on a healed crest with CTG
• Video Lecture 7 – Guided implant on site 35 with connective tissue graft
Module Description:
The last module of the learning experience offered by “Zucchelli Channel” sees an indepth discussion about the management of gingival recessions and soft tissue
around the implant.
Prof. Zucchelli provides an in-depth explanation aimed at making participants aware
of the procedures for immediate post-extractive implant placement with and
without the use of CTG.
At the end of this module, participants will be able to manage complex cases and
perform in the best possible way each surgical step preparatory to achieving optimal
aesthetic-functional results.
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
• Video Lecture 1 – Multiple recession treatment on teeth and implant with coronally advanced
flap and multiple tissue graft
• Video Lecture 2 – Gingival recession treatment on implant in central incisor position
• Video Lecture 3 – Buccal peri-implant soft tissue defect resolution via CTG + CAF
• Video Lecture 4 – Implant placement on element 14 and contextual CTG with simultaneous
resolution of multiple gingival recession
• Video Lecture 5 – Upper central incisor implant esthetic correction
Thanks to this module you will attend the following video lectures:
Video Lecture 1 – Treatment of multiple recessions with a focus on the coronal attachment
of the frenulum, narrow papilla, and the deficiency of keratinized gingiva
In this ReLIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will show the V-CAF surgical protocol,
highlighting the benefits and the potentiality of this technique by dealing with a very
difficult clinical case.
Participants will have the opportunity to see how Prof. Zucchelli deals with a very deep
gingival recession at the level of the lower incisors in a patient with a very poor
vestibular depth, absence of keratinized tissue and a transparency that allows to see
the underneath dental roots.
Video Lecture 2 – Recession on highly vestibularized canines and reduced recessions on the
fourth and fifth
In this Re-LIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will deal with multiple gingival recessions in the first
and second quadrants.
Video Lecture 3 – Increase in the anterior papilla prior to orthodontic treatment.
Thanks to this ReLIVE Surgery, participants will have the opportunity to see the put in
practice of the Connective Tissue Graft Wall Technique to tackle a complex case in which
the patient has a deep intrabony defect between the two central incisors.
Prof. Zucchelli will show how to full thickness elevate the palatal flap, how to design the
incision lines and how to advance papilla and flap in coronal direction with the goal of
regenerating soft tissues.
Video Lecture 4 – Bone regeneration procedure with a membrane anchored to the
periosteum in implant therapy and soft tissue augmentation
In this ReLIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will show how to set up and deal with a complex case
of bone regeneration with simultaneous placement of two implants in a very narrow
edentulous site.
A procedure for bone regeneration involving the utilization of a membrane anchored to
the periosteum in implant therapy and soft tissue augmentation will be shown.
Video Lecture 5 – The management of multiple gingival recessions with varying depths
In this Re-LIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will show the treatment of a patient with
multiple gingival recession and poor vestibulum depth.
Participants will appreciate the particular design of the coronally advanced flap; a
customized incision performed to deal with different depths multiple recessions.
Video Lecture 6 – Soft tissue augmentation in post-extraction implant therapy
In this ReLIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will show how to properly perform a mucogingival
approach to immediate implant placement by adopting a fully guided workflow and by
making bone augmentation in a multiple edentulous patient.
Video Lecture 7 – Connective Tissue Graft for Aesthetic Correction of Gingival Translucency
Adjacent to an Implant
In this ReLIVE Surgery, Prof. Zucchelli will deal with a patient that, as main complaint, has an
esthetic problem consisting of a transparency of the underlying implant surface.
Participants will notice the lack of soft tissue both buccally and interproximally and the lack
of soft tissue thickness.
Video Lecture 8 – Multiple gingival recessions in the posterior mandibular areas
Video Lecture 9 – Advancements in Regenerative Periodontal Therapy for Frontal Area
Intraosseous Defects
Video Lecture 10 – Immediate post-extractive implant placement in the central incisor with
concurrent correction of altered passive eruption of adjacent teeth
Author’s Bio:
Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli is universally recognised as one of the world’s leading
experts in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of periodontal disease and gum
tissue around teeth and implants.
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