Posture, TMJ, Occlusion: Osteopathic Approach (Video Course)
This sounds like a comprehensive video course that covers the basics of the osteopathic approach in dentistry. It appears that the course includes protocols for diagnosing and treating craniofacial deformities, posture, and occlusion. Additionally, there seems to be an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation between dentists and osteopaths.
The course is recommended for doctors who want to learn about the osteopathic approach in dentistry and improve their treatment results. It may also be beneficial for a team of dentists and osteopaths who want to work together to provide more comprehensive care for their patients.
The video list includes an introduction to the MPR (myofunctional postural rehabilitation) approach, which is a holistic approach to dentistry that considers the whole body and its alignment. The course covers TMJ (temporomandibular joint) and posture, as well as the basics of posturometry and postural diagnosis. Craniofacial diagnosis and treatment of craniofacial dysfunctions are also covered, as well as the osteopathic approach to myofunctional postural rehabilitation.
Overall, this video course appears to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in learning more about the osteopathic approach in dentistry and its potential benefits for patients.
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