Zucchelli Channel International’s Complete Periodontics Course is designed for dental professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in periodontal surgery. This course is a comprehensive resource with 57 videos that cover a wide range of topics, from diagnosis and prognosis to surgical techniques for various types of periodontal conditions.
The videos feature Dr. Giovanni Zucchelli, a renowned periodontist and an expert in his field. He shares his expertise in periodontics, providing in-depth commentary and detailed surgical demonstrations. The course content includes the diagnosis and prognosis of gingival recession treatment, connective tissue graft harvesting techniques, soft tissue management in periodontal regeneration, and more.
This course is unique because it includes the content of three residential theoretical courses, video updates by the author, and surgeries with extensive and detailed commentary. The videos cover a range of topics, including soft tissue management around implants, factors associated with mucosal recession around osteointegrated implants, and soft tissue dehiscence coverage around implant-supported crowns.
Additionally, the videos feature surgical techniques for various types of periodontal conditions, such as multiple recession treatment in the esthetic area with coronally advanced flap and connective tissue graft, gingival recession treatment on implant in the central incisor position, and crown lengthening procedure on a fractured premolar.
The course also covers advanced surgical techniques, such as the False Gingival Recession Technique, the Wall technique with a single flap approach for periodontal regeneration on lower incisors, and the Connective Tissue Platform Technique for tridimensional soft tissue augmentation of the edentulous space on the maxillary central incisor.
Overall, the Complete Periodontics Course offered by Zucchelli Channel International is a valuable resource for dental professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in periodontal surgery. With 57 videos covering a wide range of topics, this course is a comprehensive resource for dental professionals seeking to improve their clinical practice and provide optimal patient care.
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